Source code for trisbm.trisbm


Copyright(C) 2021 fvalle1

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see < http: //>.

from trisbm.sbmtm import sbmtm
import graph_tool.all as gt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import cloudpickle as pickle
import os
import sys

Inherit hSBM code from

[docs] class trisbm(sbmtm): """ Class to run trisbm """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.keywords = [] self.nbranches = 1
[docs] def save_graph(self, filename="graph.xml.gz") -> None: """ Save the graph :param filename: name of the graph stored """
[docs] def load_graph(self, filename="graph.xml.gz") -> None: """ Load a presaved graph :param filename: graph to load """ self.g = gt.load_graph(filename) self.documents = [self.g.vp['name'][v] for v in self.g.vertices() if self.g.vp['kind'][v] == 0] self.words = [self.g.vp['name'][v] for v in self.g.vertices() if self.g.vp['kind'][v] == 1] metadata_indexes = np.unique(self.g.vp["kind"].a) # no doc or words metadata_indexes = metadata_indexes[metadata_indexes > 1] self.nbranches = len(metadata_indexes) for i_keyword in metadata_indexes: self.keywords.append([self.g.vp['name'][v] for v in self.g.vertices( ) if self.g.vp['kind'][v] == i_keyword])
[docs] def make_graph_multiple_df( self, df: pd.DataFrame, df_keyword_list: list) -> None: """ Create a graph from two dataframes one with words, others with keywords or other layers of information :param df: DataFrame with words on index and texts on columns :param df_keyword_list: list of DataFrames with keywords on index and texts on columns """ df_all = df.copy(deep=True) for ikey, df_keyword in enumerate(df_keyword_list): df_keyword = df_keyword.reindex(columns=df.columns) df_keyword.index = ["".join(["#" for _ in range( ikey + 1)]) + str(keyword) for keyword in df_keyword.index] df_keyword["kind"] = ikey + 2 df_all = pd.concat((df_all, df_keyword), axis=0) def get_kind(word): return 1 if word in df.index else[word, "kind"] self.nbranches = len(df_keyword_list) return self.make_graph(df_all.drop("kind", axis=1), get_kind)
[docs] def make_graph(self, df: pd.DataFrame, get_kind) -> None: """ Create a graph from a pandas DataFrame :param df: DataFrame with words on index and texts on columns. Actually this is a BoW. :param get_kind: function that returns 1 or 2 given an element of df.index. [1 for words 2 for keywords] """ self.g = gt.Graph(directed=False) name = self.g.vp["name"] = self.g.new_vp("string") kind = self.g.vp["kind"] = self.g.new_vp("int") weight = self.g.ep["count"] = self.g.new_ep("float") for doc in df.columns: d = self.g.add_vertex() name[d] = doc kind[d] = 0 for word in df.index: w = self.g.add_vertex() name[w] = word kind[w] = get_kind(word) D = df.shape[1] for i_doc, doc in enumerate(df.columns): text = df[doc] self.g.add_edge_list([(i_doc, D + x[0][0], x[1]) for x in zip(enumerate(df.index), text)], eprops=[weight]) filter_edges = self.g.new_edge_property("bool") for e in self.g.edges(): filter_edges[e] = weight[e] > 0 self.g.set_edge_filter(filter_edges) self.g.purge_edges() self.g.clear_filters() self.documents = df.columns self.words = df.index[self.g.vp['kind'].a[D:] == 1] for ik in range(2, 2 + self.nbranches): # 2 is doc and words self.keywords.append(df.index[self.g.vp['kind'].a[D:] == ik])
[docs] def fit( self, n_init=5, verbose=True, deg_corr=True, overlap=False, parallel=True, B_min=3, B_max=None, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Fit using minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl :param n_init: number of initialisation. The best will be kept :param verbose: Print output :param deg_corr: use deg corrected model :param overlap: use overlapping model :param parallel: perform parallel moves :param \\*args: positional arguments to pass to gt.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl :param \\*\\*kwargs: keywords arguments to pass to gt.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl """ clabel = self.g.vp['kind'] state_args = {'clabel': clabel, 'pclabel': clabel} state_args["eweight"] = self.g.ep.count min_entropy = np.inf best_state = None state_args["deg_corr"] = True #state_args["overlap"] = overlap if B_max is None: B_max = self.g.num_vertices() for _ in range(n_init): state = gt.minimize_nested_blockmodel_dl(self.g, state_args=state_args, multilevel_mcmc_args={ "B_min": B_min, "B_max": B_max, "verbose": verbose }, *args, **kwargs) entropy = state.entropy() if entropy < min_entropy: min_entropy = entropy self.state = state self.mdl = min_entropy L = len(self.state.levels) dict_groups_L = {} # only trivial bipartite structure if L == 2: self.L = 1 for l in range(L - 1): dict_groups_l = self.get_groups(l=l) dict_groups_L[l] = dict_groups_l # omit trivial levels: l=L-1 (single group), l=L-2 (tripartite) else: self.L = L - 2 for l in range(L - 2): dict_groups_l = self.get_groups(l=l) dict_groups_L[l] = dict_groups_l self.groups = dict_groups_L
[docs] def dump_model(self, filename="trisbm.pkl"): """ Dump model using pickle To restore the model: import cloudpickle as pickle file=open(\"trisbm.pkl\" ,\"rb\") model = pickle.load(file) file.close() """ with open(filename, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f)
[docs] def get_mdl(self): """ Get minimum description length Proxy to self.state.entropy() """ return super().get_mdl()
[docs] def _get_shape(self): """ :return: list of tuples (number of documents, number of words, (number of keywords,...)) """ D = int(np.sum(self.g.vp['kind'].a == 0)) # documents W = int(np.sum(self.g.vp['kind'].a == 1)) # words K = [int(np.sum(self.g.vp['kind'].a == (k + 2))) for k in range(self.nbranches)] # keywords return D, W, K
# Helper functions
[docs] def get_groups(self, l=0): """ :param l: hierarchy level :return: groups """ # sort of cache if groups are already estimated avoid re running if l in self.groups.keys(): return self.groups[l] state_l = self.state.project_level(l).copy(overlap=True) state_l_edges = state_l.get_edge_blocks() B = state_l.get_B() D, W, K = self._get_shape() # number of half-edges incident on word-node w and labeled as # word-group tw n_wb = np.zeros((W, B)) # number of half-edges incident on word-node w and labeled as # word-group tw n_w_key_b = [np.zeros((K[ik], B)) for ik in range(self.nbranches)] # number of half-edges incident on document-node d and labeled as # document-group td n_db = np.zeros((D, B)) # number of half-edges incident on document-node d and labeled as # word-group tw n_dbw = np.zeros((D, B)) # number of half-edges incident on document-node d and labeled as # keyword-group tw_key n_dbw_key = [np.zeros((D, B)) for _ in range(self.nbranches)] for e in self.g.edges(): z1, z2 = state_l_edges[e] v1 = e.source() v2 = weight = self.g.ep["count"][e] n_db[int(v1), z1] += weight kind = self.g.vp['kind'][v2] if kind == 1: n_wb[int(v2) - D, z2] += weight n_dbw[int(v1), z2] += weight else: n_w_key_b[kind - 2][int(v2) - D - W - sum(K[:(kind - 2)]), z2] += weight n_dbw_key[kind - 2][int(v1), z2] += weight #p_w = np.sum(n_wb, axis=1) / float(np.sum(n_wb)) ind_d = np.where(np.sum(n_db, axis=0) > 0)[0] Bd = len(ind_d) n_db = n_db[:, ind_d] ind_w = np.where(np.sum(n_wb, axis=0) > 0)[0] Bw = len(ind_w) n_wb = n_wb[:, ind_w] ind_w2 = np.where(np.sum(n_dbw, axis=0) > 0)[0] n_dbw = n_dbw[:, ind_w2] ind_w_key = [] ind_w2_keyword = [] Bk = [] for ik in range(self.nbranches): ind_w_key.append(np.where(np.sum(n_w_key_b[ik], axis=0) > 0)[0]) Bk.append(len(ind_w_key[ik])) n_w_key_b[ik] = n_w_key_b[ik][:, ind_w_key[ik]] ind_w2_keyword.append( np.where( np.sum( n_dbw_key[ik], axis=0) > 0)[0]) n_dbw_key[ik] = n_dbw_key[ik][:, ind_w2_keyword[ik]] # group membership of each word-node P(t_w | w) p_tw_w = (n_wb / np.sum(n_wb, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).T p_tk_w_key = [] for ik in range(self.nbranches): # group membership of each keyword-node P(t_k | keyword) p_tk_w_key.append( (n_w_key_b[ik] / np.sum( n_w_key_b[ik], axis=1)[ :, np.newaxis]).T) # topic-distribution for words P(w | t_w) p_w_tw = n_wb / np.sum(n_wb, axis=0)[np.newaxis, :] p_w_key_tk = [] for ik in range(self.nbranches): # topickey-distribution for keywords P(keyword | t_w_key) p_w_key_tk.append( n_w_key_b[ik] / np.sum( n_w_key_b[ik], axis=0)[ np.newaxis, :]) # Mixture of word-groups into documetns P(t_w | d) p_tw_d = (n_dbw / np.sum(n_dbw, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).T p_tk_d = [] for ik in range(self.nbranches): # Mixture of word-groups into documetns P(t_w | d) p_tk_d.append( (n_dbw_key[ik] / np.sum( n_dbw_key[ik], axis=1)[ :, np.newaxis]).T) # group membership of each doc-node P(t_d | d) p_td_d = (n_db / np.sum(n_db, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]).T result = {} result['Bd'] = Bd result['Bw'] = Bw result['Bk'] = Bk result['p_tw_w'] = p_tw_w result["p_tk_w_key"] = p_tk_w_key result['p_td_d'] = p_td_d result['p_w_tw'] = p_w_tw result['p_w_key_tk'] = p_w_key_tk result['p_tw_d'] = p_tw_d result['p_tk_d'] = p_tk_d self.groups[l] = result return result
[docs] def metadata(self, l=0, n=10, kind=2): ''' get the n most common keywords for each keyword-group in level l. :return: tuples (keyword,P(kw|tk)) ''' dict_groups = self.get_groups(l) Bw = dict_groups['Bk'][kind - 2] p_w_tw = dict_groups['p_w_key_tk'][kind - 2] words = self.keywords[kind - 2] # loop over all word-groups dict_group_keywords = {} for tw in range(Bw): p_w_ = p_w_tw[:, tw] ind_w_ = np.argsort(p_w_)[::-1] list_words_tw = [] for i in ind_w_[:n]: if p_w_[i] > 0: list_words_tw += [(words[i], p_w_[i])] else: break dict_group_keywords[tw] = list_words_tw return dict_group_keywords
[docs] def metadatumdist(self, doc_index, l=0, kind=2): dict_groups = self.get_groups(l) p_tk_d = dict_groups['p_tk_d'][kind - 2] list_topics_tk = [] for tk, p_tk in enumerate(p_tk_d[:, doc_index]): list_topics_tk += [(tk, p_tk)] return list_topics_tk
[docs] def print_topics(self, l=0, format='csv', path_save=''): ''' Print topics, topic-distributions, and document clusters for a given level in the hierarchy. :param l: level to store :param format: csv (default) or html :param path_save: path/to/store/file ''' D, W, K = self._get_shape() # topics dict_topics = self.topics(l=l, n=-1) list_topics = sorted(list(dict_topics.keys())) list_columns = ['Topic %s' % (t + 1) for t in list_topics] T = len(list_topics) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, index=range(W)) for t in list_topics: list_w = [h[0] for h in dict_topics[t]] V_t = len(list_w) df.iloc[:V_t, t] = list_w df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=0) if format == 'csv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_topics.csv' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_topics.html' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_html(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'tsv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_topics.tsv' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='', sep='\t') else: pass # topic distributions list_columns = ['i_doc', 'doc'] + \ ['Topic %s' % (t + 1) for t in list_topics] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, index=range(D)) for i_doc in range(D): list_topicdist = self.topicdist(i_doc, l=l) df.iloc[i_doc, 0] = i_doc df.iloc[i_doc, 1] = self.documents[i_doc] df.iloc[i_doc, 2:] = [h[1] for h in list_topicdist] df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=1) if format == 'csv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_topic-dist.csv' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_topic-dist.html' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_html(filename, index=False, na_rep='') else: pass # keywords for ik in range(2, 2 + self.nbranches): dict_metadata = self.metadata(l=l, n=-1, kind=ik) list_metadata = sorted(list(dict_metadata.keys())) list_columns = ['Metadatum %s' % (t + 1) for t in list_metadata] T = len(list_topics) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, index=range(K[ik - 2])) for t in list_metadata: list_w = [h[0] for h in dict_metadata[t]] V_t = len(list_w) df.iloc[:V_t, t] = list_w df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=0) if format == 'csv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_kind_%s_metadata.csv' % (l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_kind_%s_metadata.html' % (l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_html(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'tsv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_kind_%s_metadata.tsv' % (l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='', sep='\t') else: pass # metadata distributions list_columns = ['i_doc', 'doc'] + ['Metadatum %s' % (t + 1) for t in list_metadata] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, index=range(D)) for i_doc in range(D): list_topicdist = self.metadatumdist(i_doc, l=l, kind=ik) df.iloc[i_doc, 0] = i_doc df.iloc[i_doc, 1] = self.documents[i_doc] df.iloc[i_doc, 2:] = [h[1] for h in list_topicdist] df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=1) if format == 'csv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_kind_%s_metadatum-dist.csv' % ( l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_kind_%s_metadatum-dist.html' % ( l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_html(filename, index=False, na_rep='') else: pass # doc-groups dict_clusters = self.clusters(l=l, n=-1) list_clusters = sorted(list(dict_clusters.keys())) list_columns = ['Cluster %s' % (t + 1) for t in list_clusters] T = len(list_clusters) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=list_columns, index=range(D)) for t in list_clusters: list_d = [h[0] for h in dict_clusters[t]] D_t = len(list_d) df.iloc[:D_t, t] = list_d df = df.dropna(how='all', axis=0) if format == 'csv': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_clusters.csv' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_csv(filename, index=False, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = 'trisbm_level_%s_clusters.html' % (l) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) df.to_html(filename, index=False, na_rep='') else: pass # word-distr list_topics = np.arange(len(self.get_groups(l)['p_w_tw'].T)) list_columns = ["Topic %d" % (t + 1) for t in list_topics] pwtw_df = pd.DataFrame( data=self.get_groups(l)['p_w_tw'], index=self.words, columns=list_columns) pwtw_df.replace(0, np.nan) pwtw_df = pwtw_df.dropna(how='all', axis=0) pwtw_df.replace(np.nan, 0) if format == 'csv': fname_save = "trisbm_level_%d_word-dist.csv" % l filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) pwtw_df.to_csv(filename, index=True, header=True, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = "trisbm_level_%d_word-dist.html" % l filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) pwtw_df.to_html(filename, index=True, na_rep='') else: pass # keyword-distr for ik in range(2, 2 + self.nbranches): list_topics = np.arange( len(self.get_groups(l)['p_w_key_tk'][ik - 2].T)) list_columns = ["Metadatum %d" % (t + 1) for t in list_topics] pw_key_tk_df = pd.DataFrame(data=self.get_groups( l)['p_w_key_tk'][ik - 2], index=self.keywords[ik - 2], columns=list_columns) pw_key_tk_df.replace(0, np.nan) pw_key_tk_df = pw_key_tk_df.dropna(how='all', axis=0) pw_key_tk_df.replace(np.nan, 0) if format == 'csv': fname_save = "trisbm_level_%d_kind_%s_keyword-dist.csv" % ( l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) pw_key_tk_df.to_csv( filename, index=True, header=True, na_rep='') elif format == 'html': fname_save = "trisbm_level_%d_kind_%s_keyword-dist.html" % ( l, ik) filename = os.path.join(path_save, fname_save) pw_key_tk_df.to_html(filename, index=True, na_rep='') else: pass
[docs] def draw(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: """ Draw the network :param \\*args: positional arguments to pass to self.state.draw :param \\*\\*kwargs: keyword argument to pass to self.state.draw """ colmap = self.g.vertex_properties["color"] = self.g.new_vertex_property( "vector<double>") # colors = [[174, 80, 209], [108, 192, 70], [207, 170, 60], [131, 120, 197], [126, 138, 65], [201, 90, 138], [87, 172, 125], [213, 73, 57], [85, 175, 209], [193, 120, 81]] for v in self.g.vertices(): k = self.g.vertex_properties['kind'][v] if k < 10: color = np.array(colors[k]) / 255. else: color = np.array([187, 129, 164]) / 255. colmap[v] = color self.state.draw( subsample_edges=5000, edge_pen_width=self.g.ep["count"], vertex_color=colmap, vertex_fill_color=colmap, *args, **kwargs)